Friday, September 10, 2010

Server First? Fly boxes ICC10 6/12!!!

Given the fact that I've not really had anyone on Horde nor Alliance side even mention that anyone was doing what I've been trying, which is Tank/Heal to Lich King, I'm 99.999% sure I'm the first guy on Maiev to have gotten 6/12 so far boxing.

Of course as everyone knows, from here out is where it really gets hard. I will have to study the fights and figure out a way to be able to box to 12/12 and perhaps Kingslayer!

--if you know anyone on Maiev who IS boxing ICC10, tank/heals let me know. (Fly / Horde / Maiev)

PS. Many thanks to the guild: <Summoning Stone Wiped Us> for allowing me to try and believing in me when so many have said I would fail.

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