Sunday, August 15, 2010

Octopus Multiboxing Software : Getting Started

A few days ago Zohzoh joined our ranks in looking to experience Multi-boxing, bringing with the question "Which software (if any) should i use?"
Alot of people like Pwnboxer and the widely known Keyclone that you can purchase for $35 or $20, respectively; but i prefer to use Octopus ( you can download this for free off the mirror site )

The downside of this being free software is that it is not as simple to set up. Lucky for us we have a wonderful tutorial provided by the good people at (found here at You want to be looking at and following the steps under "General Broadcast Configuration" if you are only using one computer, but multiple WoW Windows/Clients you can STOP AT STEP 20!

While using Octopus, or typically any boxing software, a rule of thumb is to run WoW in Windowed Mode, aka the same thing that little button on the top right hand corner of your internet browser window between the X and minimize button. To do this in WoW, press ESC --> Video --> Resolution (this is found at the left hand side of the menu) then check "Windowed Mode" on all WoW Clients that you have open.

Now, assuming you have gone through the tutorial at the link above and have set your screens to Windowed Mode, lets look at macros. The only real 3 that you will need to start out are
1: "/Focus *your main character name here*
2: "/Follow Focus"
and this one is optional, 3: "/Assist Focus" you may also use the Tab key to achieve this same goal, though its unreliable which enemy you will target while using Tab.

Make absolutely sure that these are KEYBOUND to the same spot on all clone toons you are using to Multi-Box, so that when you press them you broadcast it to all characters and they should follow, assist, and focus your main. Now all you need to do is decide your rotation of your characters and their abilities and you are up and running! You can whisper me in-game, and ask any questions you have in Guild Chat or Whispers at any time and ill be glad to help you out:)

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