10. (PVE) Never having to wait in a Dungeon Finder que
9. (PVE & PVP) Never having to wait on afk players
8. (PVE) Never having to groan at the mere thought of the long, lonely grind to level a new character
7. (PVE) Never having to worry that you have been grouped with a tard-tank or fail-healer
6. (PVE) Never having to fear that the tank or healer will rage-quit just before the final boss who drops your only upgrade
5. (PVE) Never having to worry that the Pally tank will role on your cloth upgrade because he 'needs it' for his 'healing set'.
4. (PVP) Watching the entire AV alliance zerg whipe on Galv.
3. (PVP) Repeatedly killing a LV 80 Crossroads-camper with a set of LV 60 toons.
2. (PVP) Getting nerd-rage PMs from a twink that you just slaughtered, repeatedly, in BGs.
1. (PVP) Knowing that at least 4 of the toons on your team in every BG are not being controlled by total idiots.
What's your top ten?